• Ohne Titel

    Powerful Opening

    Successful fundraising for Fluchtraum Bremen e.V.

    On Thursday evening, no one on the Osterdeich was spared the sonorous symphony of sirens of the group Mecanique Vivante from France. Like the "Joueur du flute de Hemelin", the parade captivated everyone intentionally or unintentionally and led the strolling crowd towards the Kunsttunnel. After the finale, despite the group's through-financing by the Sparkasse, the hat went around - this year for Fluchtraum Bremen e.V.!

    A total of 1146.89€ was collected, which will be handed over in the coming days to the association, which has been working since 2004 for better prospects for young people with refugee experience!

    We would like to thank everyone who rang in the festival so great with us and donated!
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    Veröffentlicht am 10. Jun 2022 um 11:35 Uhr (Zuletzt Bearbeitet am 10. Jun 2022 um 11:35 Uhr)